I was flicking through channels when I came across a program on Channel Five called "Behind Closed Doors"-Part of Open House Week. It was telling you about different iconic buildings around London and Manchester, but gave you the opportunity to see inside these buidings which is not normally open to the public. It featured London City Hall; growing up in London I think I have taken these buildings for granted such as The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and The Guerkin because they have always been there I have never really stopped to appreciate them. I am particularly drawn to City Hall, firstly because of its obvious interesting shape, but it is even more of a statement because of its surrounding gothic buildings. The design of this building goes a lot further than just its asethetic appeal, it is completely made out of glass but the important factor is is that whilst the people working inside can see out, the public can see in. It is meant to provoke a feeling of trust and openess to the general public, as a Public Service building this is of large importance. Its shape is not just to create a modern, funky building, its decreases the surface area exposed to sunlight and inclines so that each floor shades the offices below-therefore there is no need for air conditioning. I have never really been interested or apreciated architecture before but this program has open my eyes and taught me not to completely rule out huge sectors of design.
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