Wednesday 1 October 2008

Paul Rand

Rand understood the vitality and symbolic power of colour and shape, his poster promoting New York subway advertising, it is created from elements of geometric forms and colours that can be read as both an abstracted figure as well as a target. His arrangement of concentric circles in vibrant colours becomes both an illustrative image and a dynamic composition. 

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Saul Bass

Check out this website, pretty cool

It is very hard to 

David Carson

David Carson is famous for his uncommon arrangement of letters, words and sentences.  Since the early nineties he is the best known practitioner of innovative visual and graphic design, whose work is often described as the new typography, de-constructive typography, or digital typography, he has been dubbed the "Father of Grunge", due to his dirty, messy style. 

The style in which he works is very similar to how I like to work with a page and layout, I relate to his 'dirty, messy, haphazard' presentation. Although he works is very 'grimy' it is very aesthetically pleasing and you cant helped but be gripped by it.  

Monday 29 September 2008


Anime cartoons have taken off like a storm in the last few years, with cartoon series, comics, books and films. They are rich with colour, super heroes, and fight scenes and true to cartoon form they exaggerate features but present an unusual idea of perfection. The illustrations are packed with high energy, emotion and a sense of sexuality - especially cartoons for the older generation. 

Alex Trochut

Alex Trochut has a stunning array of work, including his latest Rolling Stones album cover "Rolled Gold" as well as work for British Airways, Diesel and Nike. He typography is like nothing i've seen before, whilst looking at his work I realised I had been looking at the same website for an hour, I was hooked, suprised and sustained by his variety and intensity. He has invented his own complex, interlocking, sinuously sexy letter forms, for example his lettering for CHannel 4's 3 minute wonder...

It won't let me upload any of his work so check him out online at

Pringles Select

I have noticed that when a brand needs to refresh its product they often redirect which target market they are trying to reach. Pringles normal audience would be children and teenagers as they are advertised as good for parties and packed lunches, but they new pringles are directed towards a slightly older generation with there new packaging and sophisticated flavours. These kind of changes are very common in the food industry especially with snack foods such as crisps, sweets and chocolate, as there are only a few ways to re-invent the product.

Good things come to those who wait